Welcome back to a new academic year. Unfortunately the summer weather wasn’t ideal, but I hope you had a good break regardless.

Following successful exams and a wonderful performance of Giselle in Bromley (with current and past Margaret Giles pupils included), I hope all pupils well rested and looking forward to dance classes again. We have exams to focus on initially, and the prospect of our slightly delayed bi-annual show on the horizon!

We have a new teacher in Wye, Katrina, who replaces Hannah. We wish Hannah every success in her new career as a primary school teacher.

Following hall fee increases some time ago, and an unusually long 11-week term instead of the usual 10-weeks, prices have been adjusted accordingly. Classes commence in the week starting Mon 8th September.

Kindly remember that invoices are not issued for classes, so please make payment to me for this term’s classes as soon as you can.

The newsletter will be distributed in paper form by myself and Katrina, and can also be downloaded to your computer.
