
Check the latest class times.

MondayAshford R.C.CGrade 1 Tap/Modern4.00 to 4.40Lydia
Ashford R.C.CGrade 2 Tap/Modern4.40 to 5.20Lydia
Ashford R.C.CGrade 3/4 Tap/Modern5.20 to 6.20Liz
AshfordInt Foundation Modern6.45 to 7.15Liz
AshfordInter Ballet7.15 to 8.15Liz
TuesdayWyePrimary Ballet3.50 to 4.20Liz
WyeLevel 1 Ballet4.20 to 4.50Liz
WyeLevel 2 Ballet4.50 to 5.30Liz
WyeLevel 3 Ballet5.30 to 6.15
WyeGrade 2/3 Tap/Mod6.15 to 7.00Liz
WednesdayWyeStreet Ages 6-9 yrs3.45 to 4.15Liz
ThursdayAshfordPrimary Ballet3.45 to 4.15Liz
AshfordLevel 1 Ballet4.15 to 4.45Liz
AshfordLevel 2 Ballet4.45 to 5.15Liz
AshfordLevel 3 Ballet5.15 to 6.00Liz
Level 5 Ballet6.00 to 7.00
AshfordLevel 6 Ballet7.00 to 7.45Liz
FridayWyeLevel 1 Ballet3.50 to 4.30Liz
Beginners/Pri Tap4.30 to 5.00 (5.00 to 5.40 TBC)Lydia
WyeLevel 2 Ballet4.30 to 5.10Liz
WyeLevel 3 Ballet5.10 to 5.50Liz
WyeLevel 4 Ballet5.50 to 6.30Liz
WyeLevel 5/6 Ballet6.30 to 7.20Liz
SaturdayWyePre-School Class9.30 to 10.00Liz
WyePrimary Ballet10.00 to 10.30Liz
WyeInter Ballet10.30 to 11.15Liz
WyeGrade 5 Tap11.15 to 11.45Liz
Level 5 Ballet/Mod11.45 to 12.45Liz

"Liz is an amazing teacher, kind, patient and so caring. My three girls, their best friends & my niece love being part of the MG family. They love to dance but there is so much more that comes along with the learning, friendships , confidence and great achievements"


"Liz is an outstanding teacher with a passion for dance and her work with children and young people. She has high standards and puts on fantastic shows."


"Having taught my two daughters Liz is now teaching my granddaughter! Lovely teacher!"