Liz Moriarty, April 15, 2018

Summer 2018 Newsletter

Summer Term 2018 Newsletter



Dear Parents and Pupils

Welcome back after the Easter break.  We wish our GCSE and A Level students the very best of luck and hope coming to class will relieve stress and leave you reinvigorated.

We have a very busy term ahead of us with 3 days of exams planned.  Congratulations to the students who took a ballet exam last term, everyone gained high Merits and Distinctions despite a highly disrupted week before the exams due to the snow.  Well done and thank you for all your hard work.

Exam Dates:

Modern – 20th May.

Ballet – 1st July and 15th July (both session dates to be confirmed by the ISTD)

We will inform you in writing 6 weeks beforehand if your daughter or son is to take an exam.  Please be aware that they may need some extra lessons.

If you are thinking of trying out Modern and Tap lessons we have space and just after the exams would be a very good time to join.

Wye Timetable The class times have changed slightly from last term so please check the timetable.

Bank Holiday Monday There will be no classes running on the 7th May.

Uniform and Hair Please have correct uniform and hair for class. Ballet shoes must have elastics. Correct leg wear – Pre Primary to Level 1 should have ballet socks and Level 2 upwards should be ballet tights.  Modern and tap students must wear a leotard (preferably not their black ballet leotard) with fitted black tights/leggings over the top for modern or black jazz trousers for tap.  Older ballet students know they need a classical bun which should be on the back of their head and not on the top!


16th April to 15th July

Half Term: 28th May to Thursday 3rd June

Autumn Term Starts 10th September 2018

Please like our Facebook page:

Absent or Discontinuing Classes Don’t forget if you are away for two or more classes please let your teacher know.  If you are discontinuing classes we do not insist on a term’s notice or a term’s fees in lieu of notice as some other schools but we would like to be informed well in advance of the beginning of a new term.



 HALF HOUR LESSON                                                                       £48
40/50  MINUTE LESSON                                                                  £54
ONE HOUR LESSON                                                                         £66  

Two or more of the above for the same pupil = 10% discount providing fees are paid on time.

If you lost a class/s last term due to snow then please calculate this term’s fees and subtract the amount                                


Address Cards   If you are new to the school or you have moved lately or changed phone number please ask for an address card.

Kind regards, Liz Moriarty




Liz Moriarty, January 3, 2018

Spring Newsletter 2018

Spring Term 2018 Newsletter


Dear Parents and Pupils

Happy New Year to everyone and thank you so much for the amazing gifts and cards (some super talented artists!) so very kind and thoughtful and gratefully received.

There has been a lot of sickness around this holiday but I hope everyone will be feeling ready to get back into class or indeed try out any new classes. I’m very keen to drum up enough interest in our adult jazz class to keep it going so if you know anyone that is looking for a fun exercise class, especially those with some dance experience, then please spread the word; Mondays 8.00 to 8.45pm, Ashford Venue, £5.  Please let us know if you are interested so we have an idea of numbers.

New Primary Ballet class starting in Wye on Wednesdays 3.30 to 4.00pm  There are still a few spaces available in this class so please get in touch if you would like to join.  Any children attending the Friday Primary class who wish to switch to a Wednesday are welcome to do so.

Timetable. Hopefully you will have received the new timetable at the end of last term.  Please check it carefully.

Exams.  We have a ballet exam session, mainly the younger grades, on Sunday 4th March 2018.  The modern and tap exams will be held in May and another ballet session is planned for June/July.  We will confirm dates asap.  Exam pupils are very welcome and encouraged to join in with other classes at same or alternative venues for extra practice to build confidence and technique.

Uniform.  Please encourage your child to wear the correct uniform, particularly older girls doing modern who must wear a leotard to class and not sports tops etc.  Please make sure your child has elastics on their ballet shoes and the correct leg wear, ballet socks up to and including Level 1, ballet tights for Level 2 upwards. The uniform is listed on our website .  Hair must be tied up for all classes and in a bun for girls in Level 3 ballet upwards.

Please like our Facebook page:  for any winter weather arrangements, fingers crossed there won’t be any.

Absent or Discontinuing Classes Don’t forget if you are away for two or more classes please let your teacher know.  If you are discontinuing classes we do not insist on a term’s notice or a term’s fees in lieu of notice as some other schools but we would like to be informed well in advance of the beginning of a new term.

Fees must be paid termly.  This term Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday classes have 11 weeks in the term but due to the early Easter, Friday and Saturday classes only have 10 weeks.

Those pupils taking 2 or more classes are entitled to a 10% discount off their bill providing the fees are paid on time (parents paying large bills in 2 instalments may still apply the discount).



 HALF HOUR LESSON:               £44 for 11 weeks or £40 for 10 weeks
                40 to 50  MINUTE LESSON:            £49.50 for 11 weeks or £45 for 10 weeks                                                                                  
ONE HOUR LESSON:                      £60.50 for 11 weeks or £55 for 10 weeks                                                                                                                                                                                              

Address Cards   If you are new to the school or you have moved lately or changed phone number please ask for an address card.

Looking forward to an exciting new term.

Kind regards, Liz, Gwen and Sophie


Liz Moriarty, September 3, 2017

Autumn Term 2017 Newsletter

Autumn Term 2017 Newsletter


Dear Parents and Pupils

Welcome back after the long summer break.  It’s the start of the academic year and I’d like to wish everyone starting at a new school the very best of luck.  Invariably we must say goodbye to some of our older students who are starting college or university and I will miss them greatly, particularly Sophie and Caiti who assisted with the younger children’s classes on Thursdays, the children will miss the girls too.  Sophie passed her Intermediate Ballet exam in the holiday and we congratulate her whole-heartedly on achieving this professional exam on top of her A Levels.

This term we welcome back Miss Gwen who taught for MG Dance some years ago, I’m sure some of you will remember her, and it is wonderful to have her back.  She will be teaching the higher modern and tap grades on Mondays, the ballet on Tuesdays and an adult jazz class which will be held Tuesdays 8.15 – 9pm at our Ashford venue, starting 12th September, all ages and abilities welcome, £5.  Come along with a friend/mum/daughter, wear anything you can move in and trainers. We’re hoping to re-commence our adult tap class and will let you know details as soon as possible.

Timetable. There have been a few tweaks to the timetable so please check it carefully.  The Monday classes will start slightly later to hopefully ease the rush from school and the Grade 4 Tap and Modern have had to be swopped around (sorry Erin and Lily). Tuesday and Friday classes have slightly altered but Thursday and Saturday are the same.

Exams.  We do not have enough pupils ready to take an exam this term to allow us to have an exam session.  Our next session or sessions will be March 2018, dates to be confirmed as soon as I hear back from the ISTD.  Please keep up the hard work; we are making significant improvements in our results year on year and we want to keep raising the standards ergo the confidence of the students.

Friday 8th December.  We have been asked to vacate the hall early on this date so the last class and the Wye term will finish at 5.30pm on the 8th December. Please also note that Friday class times have altered slightly from last term so check the timetable below.

Uniform.  Please encourage your child to wear the correct uniform, particularly older girls doing modern who must wear a leotard to class and not sports tops etc.  Please make sure your child has elastics on their ballet shoes and the correct leg wear, ballet socks up to and including Level 1, ballet tights for Level 2 upwards. The uniform is listed on our website .  Hair must be tied up for all classes and in a bun for girls in Level 3 ballet upwards.

Show DVD.  If you still owe for your show DVD please add the £15 to this term’s fees which are listed below.


11th September to 9th December

Half Term: 22nd to 29th October

Spring Term Starts 8th January 2018

 Please like our Facebook page: 

Absent or Discontinuing Classes Don’t forget if you are away for two or more classes please let your teacher know.  If you are discontinuing classes we do not insist on a term’s notice or a term’s fees in lieu of notice as some other schools but we would like to be informed well in advance of the beginning of a new term.



 HALF HOUR LESSON                                                                       £48
40 to 50  MINUTE LESSON                                                                 £54
ONE HOUR LESSON                                                                         £66


Two or more of the above for the same pupil = 10% discount

Payments can be made by cash in named envelope, by cheque to MG Dance (please put pupil’s name on back) or online.

 Address Cards   If you are new to the school or you have moved lately or changed phone number please ask for an address card.

Looking forward to an exciting new term.

Kind regards, Liz


Filed in General 1 Response
Liz Moriarty, January 19, 2016

Spring Newsletter 2016

We hope you had a great Christmas and a very Happy New Year to you. Many thanks to those who gave us such lovely Christmas cards and gifts, we are very grateful.

This term’s newsletter contains information on upcoming exam dates, new ISTD uniform requirements and some minor timetable changes.

If you haven’t yet received a paper copy of the newsletter then you can download it to your computer here.

Liz Moriarty, May 12, 2015

Summer Newsletter 2015

Thank you so much for all the wonderful feedback we received after the show and for the cards and gifts! I think it’s fair to say all your hard work during lessons and during the show rehearsals paid off and you made us very proud. It’s back to normal classes now with, hopefully, everyone feeling inspired and invigorated.

Please note that classes will continue on last term’s timetable until the week commencing 18th May. There will then be a few minor modifications to class times.

The newsletter will be distributed in paper form by myself and Katrina, and can also be downloaded to your computer, as can the revised timetable.