Welcome back and hope you all had a good Summer break and are ready for the exciting term ahead? This term’s newsletter features information on our bi-annual show and some excellent tap and modern exam results.
Please also remember that invoices are not issued for classes, so please make payment to Liz for this term’s classes as soon as you can.
The newsletter will be distributed in paper form by Liz, Annie and Hannah, and can also be downloaded to your computer by clicking here.
Hi lizzie,
I just wanted to say thank you for all you do with my girls. They are so excited about the show and the little performances I’m getting are wonderful. I also wanted to let you know for the sake of your register that they are now Lyra and aphra Walters rather than kennell. I hope I’ll make it out of school to see a lesson soon but if not, I’ll try to make sure mum remembers my cheque soon! Many thanks for being such an inspirational role model and for all you do to fill their imaginations with wonder and magic,
Kind regards,
Abi walters