Spring Newsletter 2018

Spring Term 2018 Newsletter   Dear Parents and Pupils Happy New Year to everyone and thank you so much for the amazing gifts and cards (some super talented artists!) so very kind and thoughtful and gratefully received. There has been a lot of sickness around this...

Autumn Term 2017 Newsletter

Autumn Term 2017 Newsletter   Dear Parents and Pupils Welcome back after the long summer break.  It’s the start of the academic year and I’d like to wish everyone starting at a new school the very best of luck.  Invariably we must say goodbye to some of our older...

Timetable Changes

We have just updated the website with some changes to Liz’s ballet classes. Tuesdays at Ashford and Fridays at Wye have changed already, and after half-term there will be more changes on Thursdays at Ashford. Please check to make sure you don’t turn up too...

Beginners Tap in Wye

Starting Thursday 10th November at the Wye Methodist Church Hall, Beginners tap with our new member of staff, Hannah Baker.  Classes start at 3.45 pm and cost £3.50 for half hour.  Contact Liz via the contact page or phone for more info or to book your place.  Tap...

Launch date is near

A big welcome to all the new visitors. Looking at the website stats we’ve had quite a few people looking at the site over the last few days, and the gallery in particular seems to be very popular! I think you’ll agree that the photos taken by Martin Fagg...

Welcome to our new website

Welcome to the new website for The Margaret Giles School of Dancing. We hope you like it and will find it a useful resource, whether you (or your child) attend the school already  or not. The site is full of useful information about the school, the dance styles we...