Tap & Modern

    Lessons are open to pupils from approx 4 or 5 years old. Tap and Modern Theatre are great fun and particularly good for developing rhythm and musicality.


      According to the ISTD, tap…

      …has evolved as an American dance form, popularised throughout the world, with debate about its origins coming from African dance, Irish dance and/or clog dancing. The dancer uses their feet to strike the floor, beating out different rhythms, with dancers wearing tap shoes which have small metal plates on the toe and heel to give the distinctive sound. Tap dance is a theatrical art form often seen on stage in musicals.


        The ISTD defines Modern (or Modern Theatre) thus:

        Modern Theatre dance is a rhythmic dance style which originated in America before travelling to the rest of the world. It is often seen on the stages of musical productions and is known for its theatrical qualities. The style uses travelling steps, high kicks, leaps and turns which all need strength and flexibility. This is a highly energetic dance style.

        Modern routines are always very popular at our bi-annual shows, with both students and audience alike. Modern dance particularly compliments ballet training.